TIPS FOR KIDS Explain why it is very important for
everyone to stay together while out in the woods. It may seem easy to find your
way around, but once you get out there, every tree can begin to look the same.
That is why its good to bring that map and compass.
Whenever youngsters go into the backcountry, they should be wearing
a whistle. Should they get separated from the family, it is easier to
blow regular blasts on a whistle than to shout over a long period of time
If you have a GPS...teach your children how to use it. Let them help plan
your route so they are ready in case they get lost in the woods.
When hiking, stop frequently to observe plants, animals or views. Remember
youngsters will spend most of theri time watching their feet to avoid
tripping over roots and rocks. If you don't stop to look around, children
will find hiking pretty boring.
Rest frequently when hiking. Merely
waiting for your children to catch up, then prceeding immediately does not allow
time to rest. Carry sufficient fluids. Children lose fluids during exertion
faster than adults, particularly during warm weather. Don't wait until you yourself
are thirsty to offer liquids.
Carry lots of snacks that your children like. Youngsters get irritable
when their blood sugar levels drop. An apple or an orange can boost energy.
Always carry
a compass and a topographic map of the area where you are hiking. Stop during
your trip to look at the topography and see if youngsters can match it to map
features. Teach them how to use a compass. Youngsters like to know what they are
looking at and where they are.. Weather changes quickly in the Adirondacks.
Everyone should carry rain gear and warm clothing at all times, since hypothermia
can set in even when temperatures are as high as 50 degrees farenheit. Cotton
clothing conducts the cold-try to avoid wearing blue jeans and cotton sweaters.
Youngsters should be encouraged to carry their own daypacks containing
their jacket, water and snacks. Explain why youngsters should stay on the
trail: to protect plants, contain erosion AND prevent anyone from getting lost.
When in a boat, People of all ages should always wear a life perserver.
It doesn't matter if you are a good swimmer, never take the chance! Also, never
stand up in a boat. Avoid boating in the early spring or late fall, the
water is still very cold and tipping over can mean hypothermia or death in a matter
of minutes When hiking, canoeing, skiing, always bring an extra set of
warm clothes, raincoat, gloves. The weather can change very quickly in the Adirondacks
and can get very cold. People can get hypothermia as high as 50 degrees! When
on that hiking trip with the Kids, make sure you bring along a first Aid kit,
with bandages, band aids, antiseptic, aspirin and anything else that you particulary
need, you never know when you might need it. What the saying, if you don't have
it, you will need it, and if you do have it, you will not - isn't that Murphys
Law? When venturing off a marked trail, always mark an area every 40
or 50 yards, so as to beable to back track your way to the trail again. Its is
very easy to get lost up here in the Adirondacks!! Its is best to always stay
on a marked trail and to know exactly where it is you are going.
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