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New York Horseback Riding, horses

Trail Etiquette and Travel Hints
provided by:
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Adirondacks, New York, Resource Guides

Trail Rider Etiquette

  • Respect the rules and regulations which apply to the use of public lands and always seek permission before crossing private lands.
  • Don't litter! If you carry it in carry it out!
  • Keep camping, parking and corral areas clean. Leave them as you would like to find them.
  • Park trailers and vehicle in spaces provided. Do not block roadways and trail entrances.
  • Stay on designated trails. Do not cause unnecessary damage by trampling trailside vegetation.
  • Respect other trail users. Dismount and lead your horse when greeting hikers or entering someone else's camp. Do not force hikers off the the trail!
  • Do not tether horses to live trees.
  • Do not smoke on the trail smoke only at rest stops or in camp.
  • Drown any campfires, then stir and drown again.
  • Adirondacks, New York, Resource Guides

    Hints For Equestrians

  • Do not ride alone. Have at least two adults in party.
  • Always let some responsible person know exactly where you plan to travel and when you expect to get back.
    Then carry out that schedule.
  • Carry first aid supplies for rider and mount, including bluevitriol or similar antiseptic for saddle sores or chafing.
  • Carry a supply of rawhide lacing for emergency repairs to reins, girth, etc.
  • Halter should be worn under the bridle to tether horse.
  • Carry fly spray and fly dope (during fly time) for horse and rider.
  • Take along an extra horseshoe and nails, hatchet, jackknife with leather pouch.
  • Carry a 20' coil of 1/2" rope.

    When Staying Overnight

  • Each rider must carry enough grain for his/her mount. Normally during the summer months, some areas of grass
    can be found at various locations along the trail.
  • A piece of light weight plastic 8' x 10' to cover horse, saddle and rider in the event of heavy rain is recommended.
  • Enjoy the Ride!!

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