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Franklin County offers a variety of hiking opportunities to suit your level of ability
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Adirondacks, New York, Resource Guides

Adirondack Park Visitors Interpretive Center at Paul Smiths College:
Whatever your interest, these trails should cover it. Well marked trails, with informational markers, take you to a variety of locations, including; marsh, open water, rivers and of course beautiful forest. Located in Paul Smiths, NY *Info. provided by Adk. Park VIC

Jenkins Mountain:
The trail to the summit of Jenkins Mountain is an 8.2 mile round trip that takes approximately 5 hours to complete. Hikers should bring water and nourishment and follow standard backcountry precautions for protection against insects and a change in weather. Please note that there is no camping or campfires allowed on VIC land. If you must bring your pet a leash is required.Located in Paul Smiths, NY.*Info. provided by Adk. Park VIC
Azure Mountain:
Spectacular views are what await you at the rocky ledge on this summit. You will find this trail, refreshingly removed from the crowds that ascend the high peaks. There is an abondoned fire tower at the summit, and the rocky ledge provides excellent views. Located: between Paul Smiths, and St. Regis Falls
Red Dot Trail:
Glacial ponds, and towering pines are your companions on this very beautiful walk overlooking Osgood Pond.Located: in Paul Smith's
Debar Pond:
Enclosed in the Debar Mountain Wild Forest, this is a short easy walk that takes you to this very pretty glacial pond. Bringing a canoe can make the experience even more enjoyable.Located: off of Rt. 99.
St. Regis Mountain:
The trail begins off of Kesse Mill Rd., just after Paul Smith's College. The 2 1/2 mile climb begins easily enough as you gradually hike through a hardwood forest. After about 1/2 mile, you will see some of the Camp Topridge outbuildings on your left. Shortly after passing a ranger cabin, the ground rises more steeply, and the final ascent is steep . Views from the summit are magnificent.Located in Paul Smiths, NY.*Info. provided by Adk. Park VIC
Grassy Pond Trail:
The trail starts by following an old jeep trail passing between towering white pine and the valley on the Osgood River. It begins a slow descent into a spruce and tamarack swamp at 1 mile. Grassy Pond will be seen on the L, it is semi-circular and mostly lives up to its name-it is almost completely encircled by a mat of grass like sedges with some cattails in places. Owing to a recent state acquistion, the entire pond, including the old lean to on the far shore is now Forest Preserve.Located: north of Paul Smith's College.*Info. provided by Adk. Park VIC
White Pine Camp:
Considered the summer white house for President Calvin Coolidge, White Pine Camp, is a not-to-be-missed stop on your walking tour of the Adirondacks. This is a mini history lesson, surrounded by beautiful white pines. Located in Paul Smiths, NY.
Hayes Brook Trail:
Whether you are biking or hiking, this trail has much to offer. Wide easily accessed trails, take you in and around Hayes Brook. Your final destination if you choose the Grassy Pond spur is a lean-to on the shore of Grassy Pond.Located just outside of Paul Smiths.

Please remember if you bring it in, make sure you bring it out!!!
Always leave an area the way it was before you got there - Lets keep the Adirondacks Clean!!

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